Live at 5 with Katie Kelly


2023 Song of the Year List - Ear to the Ground

Listening Now - Don Brownrigg & Terra Spencer - Say - Last Day Deaf

Terra Spencer & Ben Caplan - Live at the Dakota Tavern - Great Dark Wonder

The 1st Canadian Environmental Music Awards launched at Halifax concert - Holly Gordon, CBC Music

Hants County's Terra Spencer wins international competition with Brick and Mortar - Wendy Elliott, Saltwire

Terra Spencer, of Windsor, N.S., a finalist in the Commonwealth Song Contest - Saltwire

Let Terra Spencer take you on a time warp - Morgan Mullin, The Coast

Terra Spencer heralds Old News collaboration with Ben Caplan at Friday release show - Stephen Cooke

 Surkeus Records Podcast - with Josef Mieto

Sea and Be Scene - with Stephanie Beaumont

Death and Dirges: Terra Spencer on How to Avoid Going Quietly Into That Good Night - Alex Cook, The East Magazine

"(Chasing Rabbits) continues Spencer’s gift for strong storytelling and an ever-widening sense of narrative possibilities."


Dropout Entertainment interview with Jesse Read

Canadian Beats Interview with Nanci Dagg

 How Terra Spencer balances funeral directing with the thrill of a professional music career - Jan Vanderhorst, Roots Music Canada

What On What's Good review by Jovin Tardif

20 Questions with Terra Spencer - Halifax Presents

Hants Faces Friday - Colin Chisolm, The Hants Journal

Terra Spencer's Year of Firsts -   Kim Barlow, The Grapevine

Hants County's Terra Spencer Releases Debut Album, touring Canada with Ryan Cook - Colin Chisolm, Kings County News




Just Us Folk - November 2023

CBC Shift with Vanessa Vander Valk

Live at WEXT - January 2023

Songs, Stories and Lies - Cove FM

Hanging on the Telephone with Ariel Sharratt - May 2022

The Current - CBC Radio - March 2021

Folk Roots Radio with Jan Hall - December 2020

East Coast Music Hour - Live at Sonic Temple, November 2020

Just Us Folk with Jan Vanderhorst - November 2020





North America: Folk Alley, TIAMS, Blues & Roots Radio, Meridian FM, NSK

International: HRM Radio UK, Radio Regent, Blues & Roots Radio, 



"In “Old News,” Spencer weaves a mysterious aura around finely etched portraits of faces, places and faded memories, as only a songwriter of her imminent promise can. Almost in cinematic slow motion, a series of characters materialize, share their hard-won lessons and dissolve, cross fade into another." - Douglas McLean, Great Dark Wonder

" Spencer has outdone her previous gem, 2020's multiple award-winner Chasing Rabbits, her songwriting even more outstanding. One beauty follows another, no two are alike musically or thematically. She has a wonderful perspective on people, a huge tenderness, and seemingly limitless empathy. Yes, it's sentimental as all get out, filled with old people, old dogs, old teachers, and lovers parting as friends, but the songs will melt the hardest hearts." - Bob Mersereau, Top 100 Canadian Blog

"With two very disparate voices; OLD NEWS is a series of highs and lows, dark and shade; with Terra providing the lightness to Ben’s naturally dark shade on a set of songs that weren’t necessarily written for this format; but end up being a perfect combination." - Alan Harrison, Rocking Magpie


 “Brick And Mortar” is purposefully sparse, proving that a good song doesn’t necessarily need ornamentation – just something honest to say, delivered credibly, with conviction. - Matt Wheeler, Great Dark Wonder


Such a beautifully written album. I can get lost in these stories without needing to find a way out. In the City, for example -  oh my, everything about this song." - Vesa Lautamaki, One Chord To Another Top 100 Albums of 2020

"Everything comes together beautifully on Spencer's new album: words, melodies, sounds, arrangements, instruments, it just keeps going from one shining moment to the next, and usually two or three together. Gleaned from winter writing sessions over the past three years, the songs have that reflective quality we all know from the shorter days and deeper moods." Bob Mersereau, The Top 100 Canadian Blog

“Sometimes when you’re walking on a dark street at night you catch a vignette unfolding in a lighted window and the whole story’s there. In the moment. The songs on Terra Spencer’s new CD Chasing Rabbits, are like that, replete with seamless, shifting, arrangements and angel band horns. They are each complete stories, compellingly wrapped in a blanket warm voice. This is an artist who knows both sides of the heart well, who has seen enough of life to still reflect kindly, if keenly, on its continuous unfoldings. ” - David Francey

"Terra Spencer’s songs flow and grow with a grace that comes from her luscious and intricate arrangements; be that the occasional flourish of electric piano, a swooping cello or violin and when that trumpet makes an appearance the hair on the back of my neck stood on end. 
These songs aren’t for small Folk Clubs, they are destined for Concert Halls with audiences sitting in awe of the talent on stage." - Alan Harrison, The Rocking Magpie

 "Terra Spencer has a wealth of warmth within her work. There is a deep understanding of the preciousness of life in her work – which is no surprise coming from an artist with a career as a funeral director. Spencer reflects fondly throughout Chasing Rabbits, and even the more somber thoughts come through with brightness. In a straightforward display of care for others, her intimate storytelling and melodic delivery make for compassionate comfort in the November nights." - Brandon Lorimer, The East

"Carefully crafting a consistent narrative that moves seamlessly throughout the album, Spencer slowly reveals her chosen themes of longing, loss, awakening, pondering on the significance of meeting and parting." - Douglas McLean, Great Dark Wonder


"There’s a strange authenticity to “Saigon,” as there is with all of Spencer’s song. She’s a caring storyteller, and even if the stories aren’t necessarily her own, she’s able to share them with heartfelt compassion, leaving listeners ready to ask “and what then?” with a fair expectation of receiving a genuine answer" -.Alex Cook, The East


"Complete with a harbourside stroll showcasing a bit of the town’s charm, “Lunenburg Moon” recreates that first evening for the Nova Scotian love song and then drizzles some delicious mandolin and fiddle mix over it. It’s a warm and cozy song that offers a gentle reminder to appreciate what we have. - Alex Cook, The East

"Terra Spencer is a remarkable songwriter – a character trait noticed immediately when spending time with her debut album.  But she is also gifted with the natural ability to convey her life experiences through well-crafted compositions and reflective prose.  The bar was therefore set pretty high for my first spin of “Lunenburg Moon,” especially upon learning that the single is accompanied by Halifax, NS traditional-folk duo The Bombadils (Sarah Frank & Luke Fraser) – but once again, Terra does not disappoint with this nostalgic journey into a warm and cozy Maritimes love song. - Martin Noakes, Great Dark Wonder


Terra Spencer Makes the Case for Hitting the Snooze Button with Raining On A Saturday - The East Magazine 


"...the quality of Terra’s reflective creativity and songwriting really has to be emphasized.  After all, while there are an abundance of artists who can simply ‘write a song,’ there are seldom few that possess a wholly natural ability to convey life experiences through well-crafted and meaningful compositions.  And just like the laurels bestowed upon the likes of Joni [Mitchell] and Sheryl [Crow], with her deep and personally constructed lyrics, Terra’s name deserves to be held in such high regards too."  Martin Noakes, Great Dark Wonder    Read more here

"Terra Spencer is very clearly a storyteller. Amidst small town stories and mills that produce more than just cotton, Spencer has woven a world of scandal and gossip, tempered by stoicism and classical guitar. Other People’s Lives provides such a rich tapestry of characters and stories we’re left wondering how much of herself Spencer has put in there."  Alex Cook, The East Magazine   Read more here

Hants County's Terra Spencer Releases Debut Album, touring Canada with Ryan Cook - Colin Chisolm, Kings County News


"Ever wish you had a modern soundtrack for your life that could make you feel as though you just stepped into the Technicolor world of a 1960’s classic? Terra Spencer’s “In the City” plays out like the theme that breaks your heart as it plays out over the credit roll of your life."  Alex Cook, The East Magazine   Read more here

For bookings: 

Ryan Heerschap /Jennifer Heerschap  - I Book Shows



For general inquiries, comments, and fortune-telling: 
